Water Leak Information

To turn off the water for an active leak call the Utility Department at 541-966-0207 and they will dispatch a water crew member (at no charge).

High water consumption with no changes to your usage habits can be the first indication of a leak. The City provides water up to the meter but they don’t own or maintain the pipes beyond the meter on the private property side. If you suspect a problem it is in your best interest to investigate right away.

To check for a leak, call the Utility Department to set up a time 541-966-0207 for a water crew member to come out and check your meter.  We will have you turn off all the faucets and appliances that use water in the home. Then look at the meter. There should be no movement. If there is movement (numbers are slowly turning or the low flow indicator is turning) then you have a leak. If you can’t find the leak, you may have to contact a plumber or leak detection company to assist you.

Know where your main waterline shut-off valve is before problems arise. Depending on the age of your house, it can be inside a garage, crawlspace, laundry room, or underground in your yard. Some homes do not have personal shut off valve. The City does not know where your homes personal shut off valve is located. The City does have a shut off valve at the meter.

Here are a few of the most common leaks.

If the meter is not turning, that means there was no sign of a leak in the main line. You may have had a leak and already fixed it, did some outside cleanup like pressure washing, or have an intermittent leak like a toilet or break in the irrigation.

The City does offer an adjustment to the bill for qualifying leaks. You can submit a leak adjustment letter with supporting documentation to:

By Mail:
Utility Billing Department
500 SW Dorion Ave
Pendleton, OR 97801

By Mail:

White Box in front of City Hall