No water distribution leaks detected on North Hill

American Leak Protection has completed its leak detection study on the North Hill and found no significant leaks in the City of Pendleton’s water distribution system.

Earlier this summer, some home owners in the North Hill area reported water leaks. City staff investigated but were unable to detect any leaks from the city water system. Because residents continued to deal with water, the city hired American Leak Protection, of Portland, for a specialized investigation in a 16-block area: from Northwest 8th to Northwest 12th and Northwest Ellis to Northwest King.

During the study, American Leak Protection found only one small leak, on Northwest Ellis, and that was fixed the next day. American Leak Protection completed their investigation Aug. 25, and the city recently received the leak report. 

 “At this time, the distribution system is intact,” Water Superintendent Sean Tarter said. “We will continue to monitor and to keep evaluating. We encourage everyone to keep in contact if they do find issues.