City Recorder

Image of agenda document

The position of City Recorder combines statutory responsibility for elections and maintaining the records of the City with executive-level assistance to the City Manager.  The duties and responsibilities of the City Recorder include:

  • Attends or delegates attendance to City Council meetings
  • Budget Committee meetings
  • Capital Improvement Committee meetings
  • Development Commission meetings and other official City meetings as needed to assure recording of proceedings
  • Reviews and edits the City Council meeting agendas and minutes
  • Certifies official City documents as to authenticity for staff, other jurisdictions or citizens
  • Attests the City Manager's or the Mayor's original signatures on official documents, and applies the City Seal as appropriate.



Election Officer

This includes: Conducting City elections; preparing the candidate information packets; receiving candidate nominations; preparing ballot measures; certifying candidates to County election officer; researching election laws to ensure continuous compliance with legal publication and other requirements for City elections; preparing canvass of election results to City Council; maintaining up-to-date State and City elections processes for bond measures, initiatives, referendums and referrals in order to accurately and timely conduct the elections for City officials. Prepare oaths of office for newly elected officials.

Public Records image

Records Officer

This includes: maintaining the records and official documents of the City such as: ordinances, resolutions, deeds, leases, easements, and contracts.  The City Recorder is responsible for coordinating all aspects of record management including: developing and implementing a comprehensive records management system; responding to public record requests; document filing; research and retrieval; archiving; and destruction.