STEM Classes for the Family

kids playing


Thanks to a partnership with Blue Mountain Early Learning Hub we are able to offer this FREE program. Children and families will work together to learn about science and nature through fun, educational activities. Every week features a new lesson where children are challenged to explore, create, and improve by using a variety of materials found in nature or at home! Come to one or come to them all!
This is a parent involvement class.

Location: Foundation Room at the Recreation Center
Dates: June 24-August 12
Days & Time: Mondays 5:30-6:30pm
Ages: 4-8 with a parent
Registration: FREE but required


June 24: Grow as We Go REGISTER HERE
Learn how animals grow and change throughout their lives. Create a bumblebee nest to take home.


July 1: Noisemakers REGISTER HERE
Experiment with different materials that make noise and engineer your own noisemaker.


July 8: Who Lives in a Tree? REGISTER HERE
Learn about different homes that animals live in, explore a real-life animal home, and collect natural materials to create an art project. 


Learn about wind and experiment with how it works. Engineer your own fan to take home. 


July 22: Hiding in Plain Sight REGISTER HERE
Discover the word "camouflage" and explore the uses in nature. Leave with your own camouflage vest.


July 29: Wrecking Balls REGISTER HERE
Experiment with various materials to create a wrecking ball and destroy a tower. Take your wrecking ball home to try out in new places.


August 5: The Shape of Things REGISTER HERE
Learn and explore different shapes that can be found everywhere in the world. Create a fun art project that applies what you've learned.


August 12: Rafts REGISTER HERE
Experiment with different materials to discover how a raft works. Take your most successful raft with you to try at home!